Friday 20 August 2021

Men Are Not Trash "Mentalities" Are

 Men are not trash but “Mentalities” are

Men are not trash

Women are not crazy

Everyone is spoilt

Everyone is slipshod

Everyone needs healing

Everyone needs love

But they don’t know

How to get heal

And how to get love

No one has all the answers

Be the loveliest light

That gives others hope in life

In today’s context I read, I heard all the time that all men are trash. Today in our country women are not safe because of some shitty people. Little flowers are plucked before they grow. Many young tycoons of business were killed by some eccentric millionaires. Girls are not safe on roads, on malls, and even in their graves. Sometimes it happens because of the girl who is the victim but most of the time it happens because of the sick mentality of the murderer and rapist.

Instead of all these events I can surely say that men are not trash but it is their mindset that how they get fosterage? How their family bring them up?  What kind of mentality do they possess? What is the impact of education on them? All these things are important.

Islam says: Men are the protectors of women who are righteous in belief. Allah ordered Men to protect women whether she is his family member or not and Muslim men will surely do this.

!“Men shall take full care of women with the bounties Allah has bestowed on them, and what they may spend out of their possession; as Allah has eschewed each with certain qualities in relation to the other! And the righteous women are the truly devout ones, who guard the intimacy which Allah has ordained to be guarded”

Today the major cause of these crises is the lack ness and carelessness on both sides of the coin. In an Islamic state where women are ordered to cover themselves with a veil so that they can be recognized as a Muslim Lady and be protected from the evil eyes.

Their men are also ordered to put down his Gaze. But today both are going against it Women used to wear western dresses and these play the role of an open flower to bees and houseflies everyone starts admiring their beauty and they love it then one day some dragonfly comes and Suck all his nectar and then we say men are trash but the women are also responsible for it.

But when a little flower is plucked just to calm their desire for sensual pleasure it is painful because it is the mentality of that animal that does such things that man is trash and his mentality is worth killing. But don’t blame all others.

I can’t say all men are trash because my father my brothers are also men but they have the moral values they know how to protect women from evil eyes. How to keep their daughters, wives, and sisters safe. From starting I heard a proverb

All bread is not baked in one oven

And this proverb is enough I think to explain that our five fingers are not equal and they can’t be. As like them, all men are not the same but one bad alligator in a pond destroys or demolishes all other fishes living in that pond. Just like them one murderer and rapist obliterate the repute and image of every other man in the community. One bad woman destroys the image of the whole women community. So don’t judge all the races on the basis of one shitty person.

In the end, I must say if our community starts following the rules and commands are given by Allah Almighty many evils will surely come to an end and we will lead a peaceful life.

P.S: This article is not against any community.


  1. well we need to teach our kids how to respect every gender

  2. Irrespective of gender it's beautifully elobrated.everyone must understand that gender identity is important for both men and woman normalise respecting each other, men should understand that you are protecter of woman.

  3. Respect should be for every gender. Completely agreed with each and every word

  4. Agreed we cant say every man is trash coz some are but not all



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