Monday 26 December 2022


 Relationship Advice:  

We often listen to how we are getting into a relationship with others, but we think we know the meaning of the relationship, but we don’t. Due to some misconceptions and some relationship advisors, we’ll take our relationship to miserable situations. Whenever our relationship is at the hardest phase, everyone around us would love to be our relationship advisors, including our friends' families and others. Due to these things, the relationship gets worst and becomes worsens day by day.

Factors affecting Relationships:  

 The first factor that nourishes or abandons the relationship is reverence, which means respecting the partner, its likeness, and Dis likeness. Giving Respect means accepting your partner’s choices openly and not showing disrespect for them. You must give them space for whatever they want to do.  


Always trust the happenings. Trust is the most important factor in any relationship. If you don’t trust your partner, it will not only snub them but also become the basic reason for worsening your relationship. Always put your trust in situations and your partner; believe me, they will never let you down.  


Show concern by saying something different to your partner daily. Try to help your partner in their daily routines. Share the workload.  

Find your love language:  

Every human has different ways of showing love and concern to their partner. Some show their love by writing and saying something different to their partner. Some show their love by having concern for their partner. Some show their love by presenting small gifts like roses and chocolates. Some are too shy to express their love. They show it by helping their partner in households and doing little things for them.  

But it is somehow essential to express your feelings to your loved ones occasionally and daily. It will make them feel special that someone loves them more than anything and give them the feeling of being important.  


Intimacy plays an important role in strengthening relations. It is somehow toxic as it kills you when it reaches the end limit. Still, if you are connected to the right person, intimacy in your relationship will never let your relationship die and will give them the colors of delight.  


“The number one thing I've learned about love is that it's a trade and a social exchange, not just a feeling. Loving connections are a process by which we get our requirements met and meet the requirements of our mates too.   


When that exchange is mutually satisfying, also good passions continue to flow. When it's not, the effects turn sour, and the relationship ends.   

That's why it's important to pay attention to what you and your mate do for each other as expressions of love, not just how you feel about each other ”  

Handling Conflicts:  

It's not about why you fight. It's all about how you fight;  

Don't attack or give cuts   
No yelling, throwing, hitting, or pushing   
No condemning, censuring, and judging   
No giving the silent treatment   
Do take responsibility for what you can change or how you can lessen the relationship   
Ask for what you need in the relationship   
Work on seeing the other person’s perspective.  
Let It Be and Let it Go: 
Let It Go formerly – in summary, make the decision to forgive, forget and move on.   
Throw Down Your Scorecard don’t keep score of what you did and your mate isn’t doing.  
Allow Your Partner to Be mortal – flashback that you're in a relationship with a fellow human who's doing the stylish they can.   
Learn To Laugh at Yourself – learn to laugh at yourself and verbose implicit arguments with the power of humor.  

Small conversations:  

Sometimes it is important to have small talk about finances, emotions, feelings of love, and some other little stuff because all your partners are not telepathic at all. We need to tell them how we feel about their behavior and how we get their points. If we don’t tell them, they’ll never get what we are going through.  

Acceptance in every situation:  

Accept your partner with all their flaws. Don’t just appreciate their good things but also accept their flaws and bad things. Try to change bad habits with love and care. But don’t force yourself on them. It will make them more rebellious.  

Stay in the moment:  

Always try to live and enjoy the present moment with your partner. Don’t let your tensions of the future spoil the moments that you want to enjoy with your partner. Spend quality time and make good memories. Try to stay in that moment in your hand instead of regretting the past and thinking about the future. 

Don’t overshare:  

Let your past be packed in the trunks of life. Don’t let it destroy your present life. Sometimes we are so attached to our partner that we used to apply all our past experiences and moments to our current situation. We used to share our past experiences with our recent partners, which destroyed our current situation.  

Don’t be overprotective:  

Show care and love to your partner but don’t be overprotective. Overprotectiveness seems that you are going to imprison or bind your partner. This behavior will irritate your partner, and they will try to free themself from this toxic relationship.  

By giving the full attention and love that a relationship deserves, you will surely feel the charm and delight of a healthy relationship. 



  1. Last part From the *small conversation* its very amazing and very helpful to understand the whole topic.

  2. Lovely thoughts and ideas for relationship and our behavior towards any relationship. The reader can judge himself and his relations with loved ones with the help of this blog.



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