Sunday 28 June 2020



Fear or fright is an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight…

Fear is not a single word rather it contains thousands of feelings in it. All of us are afraid of some kind of fear in our lives. Some are afraid of heights, some are afraid of water, while some are of darkness but among all these, the most horrible fear is of insects like lizards, cockroaches, bees, and some other insects like this …

In our childhood we are spooned with fear more than foodstuff...  whenever we refuse to eat, our mother threatened us to eat it otherwise the monster will come and that was the fear of some spirit that we don’t know how it will come and from where it will come  … when we refuse to study someone affright us of whack that our dad will come and beat us or if we don’t study we’ll never get new things and that was the fear of being hurt… whenever we did any kind of mistake we get frightened that our parents will insult us and that was the fear of being insulted in front of others…  

But Among all these fears the worst two are fear to lose and fear of being lost…

First: fear to lose is the worst fear ever. For in instant just think your loved one or the loveliest thing of your life is going out of your authority but you don’t want to lose it…

Think that someone you love is suffering from some kind of disease… your every footstep towards the hospital looks like someone is snatching your life from you … with every footstep thousands of thoughts roam in your mind like how I’ll live without him, what will be my life without him, I’ll remain incomplete for a lifetime, if he’ll not be with me how I’ll survive, why this happens to him, not to someone else… your heart is praying millions of times OH ALLAH please please don’t take him away, OH ALLAH please Give him the complete health, please my lord don’t do this to me he is so close to me please MY LORD doesn’t… the feeling that we felt at that time is exactly the fear to lose…

Second: Fear of being lost. Have you ever feel that fear that you are losing your identity your life

Suppose you are in the worst scenario and you have only one option to get rid of it that you have to change yourself completely, you’ll completely lose your identity, and losing identity means losing your life that fear is of being lost… It’s like we are running on unknown track we know about our destiny but the way is so tainted that we have to take another way and we have almost 4 other ways to reach the destination but we don’t know which one will exactly lead us to our destination, we remain standing thinking about the right path but we don’t get it…  that is the fear of being lost…

When we lose clarity about our path our destination or when we get arrogant and proud Then Allah (SWT) ordeal us by blessing us such fears … Fear to lose will end our arrogance just by bringing back our heart to ALLAH And when we lose clarity in our mind, the mirror of our heart or mind is glazed over then Allah ordeal us by the fear of being lost and this will clear our mind, heart, and thoughts…



  1. You have paitned a very clear picture of what we face in our daily life. This article to me is just like a mirror that shows us how to deal with the Fears of our lives.. Hatts Off to You 👏🏻

  2. this is so real u hv explained it with words i feel this article will hit everyone, u hv ability to describe things well,��

  3. ��������

  4. It has been a long time we recall our childhood fear in these words.
    Nice to read and feel 👍

  5. very well written



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